The VA New York Harbor Healthcare System is dedicated to providing quality health care to veterans using the abilities of all employees supported by our commitment to education and research.
We will be recognized locally, regionally, and nationally as a leader in quality patient care, positive customer service, medical/allied health education, health-related research and employment opportunities. We seek to be the provider of choice of veterans and the community by offering an efficient, integrated quality health care system capable of providing a full range of primary, specialty and chronic health care services in a system that is readily accessible and responsive to change.
Jean trained as a nurse in the Philippines and was encouraged by her sisters to move to the United States and begin working at the VA. She finds working with veterans very challenging, but also incredibly rewarding when she is able to make an impact on her patients. Her son volunteered on her unit in high school and was so taken by his mother’s work that he is now in school studying to be a nurse as well.
Arlene has several war veterans in her own family and she has always worked primarily with that population. In her work on the hospice unit at the VA, she has come to admire the special bond these men and women share with one another. Veterans have unique needs at the end of life, and Arlene enjoys trying to help them make the most of their last days.
JoAnn had a twenty-year career in the entertainment industry, then was compelled to become a nurse in her early 40s after watching nurses diligently care for her husband after he underwent surgery. She has always been drawn to end of life care, and at the VA she consults patients in Palliative and Hospice care options, where she tries to make each one of her dying patients “the star of their own movie.”